Rates vary based on an estimate of time needed to complete the mastering. For this reason, they are posted as a range and then quoted after we have received a sample of the recording and know about how long it will take. In general, the rates will be as follows:
For 1 song: |
$35 |
For an EP (2-6 songs): |
$65 - $150 |
For a Full Length Album: |
$150-$325 |
Anything outside these categories: Quoted on an individual basis. |
These prices include:
1. Mastering of the tracks
2. Authoring of the CD as a Red Book Audio CD
3. Advanced authoring of track transitions (crossfades, etc)
Authoring of the cd is optional and if you prefer we can leave this part up to you. If the CD is authored here, you will receive a CD that is literally ready to be pressed.
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Working Man's Productions | Lancaster, PA
Email: mastering@workingmansproductions.com